Archives & Special Collections

We maintain an extensive archive of manuscripts, documents and photographs that offer a portal into the past events and people of New Harmony. In addition, our rare book collection contains 19th and early 20th Century volumes that cover historic, scientific, literary and spiritual subjects. Researchers wishing to utilize these collections may contact us for more information or to set an appointment.

Browse Our Finding Aids

You can search our archive finding aids online by using the search feature below. Type in a name or subject (i.e. Robert Owen, Civil War, Harmony Society, etc.) to help plan your research.


Genealogists will find a wealth of information at the WMI regarding the families of New Harmony and Posey County. We have church and cemetery records, marriage returns, newspaper clippings, census reports, school yearbooks, and family bibles and histories to help you fill out the branches of your family tree.

Digital Archives

Through a collaboration with Indiana University, a few of the WMI’s manuscript collections have been digitized and are available online. This material includes the Golden Family Collection, 1795-1996 and New Harmony Manuscripts, 1812-1871. Use the button below for instant access.