New Harmony Series XIII – Bound Volumes of Governmental Records Volumes 1-17 are Justice of the Peace dockets from 1835 Jan. 19 to 1880 Mar. 5. Volume 18 is 1st Indiana Cavalry Regimental order book 1861 Oct. 20 to 1863 Mar. 20. Volume 19 and 20 are Harmony Township Enumeration of White and Colored Males … NH XIII
Working Men's Institute
New Harmony Series XII – Bound Volumes of Business Records In 2008, the remaining bound business records held by the WMI were catalogued into the collection. Volumes were fitted into the original collection in chronological order. New Harmony Series XII XII.v.1 1829 ca. July 30 to 1832 … NH XII
New Harmony Series VI – Legal Documents Folder 1 1804-1818 •· Handwritten copy of will of Geo. Purcell of Kentucky, 5 Aug. 1804 •· Land grant from Vincennes to Thomas Jones and signed by President James Madison, 20 July 1811 •· Agreement to sell land on the bank of the Ohio between J. McFeeley … NH VI
New Harmony Series V – Personal Papers New Harmony V is made up of bound personal papers. They range in time from 1795 to the early 1900s. They vary in type including notebooks, diaries, account books, scrapbooks, weather records and manuscripts. These books are collected in this series because they are not part … NH V