New Harmony Series IM
The 408 letters that make up New Harmony Series IM were placed in the Working Men’s Institute by librarian, Nora Fretageot, wife of a grandson of Madame Marie Duclos Fretageot. These letters are correspondence between Madame Fretageot and William Maclure. They were cataloged by Dr. Bester in 1950. The following is his finding aid.
At the time of the cataloging, each letter was microfilmed as were transcriptions when available and the corresponding pages from Education and Reform at New Harmony.
Dr. Bester used 52 letters from the collection in his book, Education and Reform at New Harmony : Correspondence of William Maclure and Marie Duclos Fretageot, 1820-1833.
In 1994, Josephine M. Elliott published Partnership for Posterity. All 408 letters in the collection were annotated and transcribed. Also included is one letter held by the Boston Public Library and 69 Maclure/Fretageot letters from the Hodge-Fretageot collection presented to the WMI in 1976 by the family of Nora’s grand-daughter, Mary Hodge Fretageot.
Maclure-Fretageot Correspondence. 1820-1833
Correspondence between William Maclure (1763-1840) and Marie Duclos Fretageot (1783-1833). The Correspondence is practically continuous on both sides for the entire period, and few letters of either writer seem to be missing.
At the outset of the correspondence William Maclure, already well known as a geologist, was attempting to establish an agricultural school in Alicante, Spain, and Madame Fretageot was a teacher in Paris, practicing the system of Pestalozzi, of which Maclure was a great admirer. The first 56 letters (24 Jan. 1820 – 11 July 1821; 31 written by Maclure and 25 by Mme. Fretageot; (IM.1.1 through IM5.5) contain observations on education, reports of events in Spain, of the ancial contributions thereto, and references of the Pestalozzian educators Joseph Neef (1770-1854), already in the United States and Guillaume S. C. Phiquepal d’Arusmont, in Paris.
Maclure financed Mme. Fretageot’s migration to the United States, where she established a Pestalozzian school in Philadelphia. In 67 letters from 13 July 1821 to 25 April 1824 (36 by Maclure, 31 by Mme. Fretageot; IM.5.6 to IM.11.8) deal with Mme. Fretageot’s trip to America, the establishment of her school, her relations with Maclure’s friends in Philadelphia, Maclure’s shipments of scientific and educational materials to the United States, and his experiences in Spain. The latter became increasingly unpleasant, as the reactionary regime tightened its hold over the country, and on 2 May 1824 Maclure left for the British Isles. The next 30 letters cover the period from this time until a few weeks after his arrival in the United States on 9 July 1825 (30 June 1824-23 Aug. 1825; 17 by Maclure, 13 by Mme. Fretageot; IM.11.9 to IM.14.7). The most important feature of this portion of the correspondence is its record of the enmeshing of William Maclure’s plans with those of Robert Owen (1771-1858), the British socialist.
Maclure visited Owen at his model factory at New Lanark, Scotland, from 30 July to 1 Aug. 1824, and he reported both his own enthusiasm and Owen’s subsequent plans to establish a communitarian colony in America. Owen himself sailed for America on 2 Oct. 1824 and landed on 4 Nov., and called on Mme. Fretageot in Philadelphia on 21 Nov. She became his complete convert, and her letters thereafter are filled with pleas to Maclure to join forces with Owen at the community which he purchased at New Harmony, Indiana. One of the letters, indeed, (27-28 March 1825: IM.13.11) is actually a round robin from Owen, Mme. Fretageot, and Phiquepal (now in America) to Maclure urging this plan. The question was as yet undecided, however, when a break in the correspondence occurred, resulting from the fact that Maclure and Mme. Fretageot were together and hence communicated by word of mouth.
The correspondence resumed on 9 June 1826, after Maclure had transferred all his activities (including the Pestalozzian educational enterprises of Mme. Fretageot, Phiquepal, and Neef, which he was subsidizing) to New Harmony. Maclure himself was absent from New Harmony on a trip from 8 June 1826 to 7 Oct. 1826, and the 19 letters that passed between him and Mme. Fretageot (9 June 1826-25 Sep. 1826; 18 by Maclure, 1 by Mme. Fretageot; IM.15.1 to IM.16.2) constitute on of the fullest records of the New Harmony Community during its most important and critical months. Unfortunately only one letter written from New Harmony itself by Mme. Fretageot has been preserved for these three months, but Maclure’s comments on matters she reported to him are so full that happenings can be readily reconstructed there from. (NOTE: Since Dr. Bestor cataloged these letters in 1950, 8 of Mme. Fretageot’s letters from this period have been donated, cataloged and transcribed by J.M. Elliott and can be found in the Hodge-Fretageot Collection at the WMI and in “Partnership for Posterity.).
Maclure was absent again from 25 Nov. 1826 to 20 April 1827, and the 10 letters of this period (28 Nov. 1826-2 march 1827; 8 by Maclure and 2 by Mme. Fretageot; IM.16.3 to IM.17.6) throw great light upon the disagreements that were bringing the experiment to an end, particularly the dispute between Owen and Maclure which came to a climax just after Maclure’s return, terminating the association between the two men, and constituting Maclure’s school a completely independent enterprise.
For reasons of health Maclure went to Mexico in the winter of 1827-1828. One letter alone survives from this period (25 Jan. 1826, by Maclure, IM.18.1). At the end of 1828 Maclure returned to Mexico to remain there until his death in 1840. The next group of 205 letters extends from that time until Mme. Fretageot’s departure from New Harmony on 4 Nov. 1831 (3 Oct. 1828-8 Oct. 1831; 99 letters by Maclure, plus 33 undated fragments from him and 73 letters by Mme. Fretageot; IM.18.2 to IM.31.3, and IM.35.1-19). Owen’s experiment at New Harmony had completely failed by this time, but Maclure’s School of Industry was carrying on. Thomas Say was largely responsible for its scientific program, but Mme. Fretageot managed its practical affairs and was Maclure’s agent for most of his affairs in New Harmony. Her letters contain detailed accounts of happenings there, and his contain detailed instructions to her. The School of Industry published its own periodical, the Disseminator, and Maclure constantly sent articles for its columns. His letters to Mme. Fretageot were frequently written on the same sheet with such contributions, were cut away, and thus exist now as fragments of larger sheets. A large number are undated, but all except some 33 have been dated from internal or external evidence.
Mme. Fretageot returned to Paris in 1831, the sailed for Mexico to see Maclure, and died in Mexico City in August 1833. The final group of 21 letters (8 Oct. 1831-13 Feb. 1833; 9 by Maclure, 12 by Mme. Fretageot; IM.31.4 to IM.34.1) include impressions and reports of hers on social movements in France during her stay.
A number of letters in the collection contain postscripts by other writers, including Thomas Say (1787-1834).
Maclure preserved and carefully docketed his incoming letters. Mme. Fretageot preserved her correspondence carefully also. This collection (or at least Maclure’s letters to her) seems to have come into Maclure’s possession after her death, as endorsements in his hand show (see IM.17.2). They came to the Working Men’s Institute as a separate part of a mass of papers of William Maclure’s. This particular correspondence has been kept together as a separate series (Series IM) of the New Harmony MSS in that repository. All other letters have been brought together in one chronological series of New Harmony Correspondence (Series I), which will be found under that title. Other papers of Maclure are classified as series IV.M and V.M.
A total of 52 letters from the Maclure-Fretageot Coprrespondence were published, in whole or in part in Arthur E. Bestor, Jr., Education and Reform at New Harmony : Correspondence of William Maclure and Marie Duclos Fretageot, 1820-1833 (Indiana Historical Society Publications, vol. 15, no. 3; Indianapolis, 1848.) A more extensive selection has been transcribed for the same editor for incorporation in a projected Documentary History of New Harmony.
Each of the letters in the collection has been cataloged in detail by, or under the direction of, Prof. Bestor, with the assistance of Mr. Ian Charles C. Graham. Notes to each catalogue entry give the evidence upon which dates have been supplied for undated letters, or furnish information on other points necessary for complete identification and understanding of the document. The letters have been filed in a series of 35 folders, and each item has been given a classification number consisting of three parts: the series, the folder, and the individual document. For example IM.23.13 designates a letter in the Maclure-Fretageot Correspondence (series IM), filed in folder no. 23, and individually numbered 13. The catalogue sheet (or sheets) describing the items in a given folder are filed at the beginning of that folder. Complete sets of the catalogue sheets are also filed separately in the Working Men’s Institute and in the Illinois Historical Survey.
On the microfilm copy a complete set of the catalogue sheets has been photographed at the beginning of the reel. Each catalogue sheet has been filmed a second time at the beginning of the group of MSS which it covers. Finally, on copy of the catalogue was cut in strips, and each separate entry was affixed to the top of the letter it describes at the time the letter was photographed. Following each letter the available transcriptions have been microfilmed – both the appropriate pages of Bestor’s Education and Reform, and the typewritten copies made under his supervision.
Folder 1: 1820
IM.1.1 Jan. 24 [William Maclure], Marseilles. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 1 p. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.1.2 May 22 W[illia]m Maclure, Yverdon, [Switzerland]. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 300-302.
IM.1.3 June 13 W[illia]m Maclure, Yverdon. To [Marie d.] Fretageot, Paris. 3pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. p 302. Also partial transcription.
IM.1.4 July 9 W[illia]m Maclure, Yverdon. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 2 pp. Quoted in Bestor’s Education and Reform pp.302-303.
IM.1.5 Nov. 22 W[illia]m Maclure, Tours. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 2 pp. Quoted in Bestor’s Education and Reform. p. 303.
Folder 2: 1821 Jan.-March
IM.2.6 Jan. 18 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.2.7 Jan. 26 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.2.8 Feb. 9 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.2.9 Feb. 17 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
Mar.3 M[arie] D. F[retagept]. To William Maclure. Folder 1. Hodge-Fretatgeot Collection.
IM.2.10 Mar. 6 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.2.11 Mar. 8 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 4 pp., part of sheet cut off. The part cut off consisted of an order for 120 francs as mentioned in the letter.
IM.2.12 Mar. 10 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.2.13 Mar. 12 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.2.14 Mar. 15 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Freatgeot, Paris, 1 p.
IM.2.15 Mar. 17 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
Mar. 20 M[arie] D. F[retageot]. To William Maclure. Folder 1. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.2.16 Mar. 24 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.2.17 Mar. 26 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 2 pp.
IM.2.18 Mar. 29 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.2.19 Mar. 30 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
Folder 3: 1821 April-May
IM.3.20 April 2 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.3.21 April 9 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot. Pairs. 2 pp.
IM.3.22 April 10 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 4 pp.
IM.3.23 April 14 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.3.24 April 19 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 4 pp.
IM.3.25 April 21 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.3.26 April 26 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie d.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
April 28 M[arie] D. F[retageot]. To William Maclure. Folder 1. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.3.27 April 30 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp. Part of sheet cut off.
IM.3.28 May 5 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.3.29 May 7 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.3.30 May 8 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
May 12 M[aire] D. F[retageot]. To William Maclure. Folder 1 Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.3.31 May 14 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.} Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.3.32 May 18 Wm. M[aclure], Madreid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
May 19 M[arie] D. F[retageot]. To William Maclure. Folder 1 Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.3.33 May 21 Wm. Maclure, Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.3.34 May 24 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.3.35 May 26 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.3.36 May 28 Wm. M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 2 pp., part of sheet cut off.
Folder 4: 1821 June
IM.4.1 June 1 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 4 pp.
June 1 M[arie] D. F[retageot]. To William Maclure. Folder 1 Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.4.2 June 3 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.4.3 June 4 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 4 pp.
IM.4.4 June 5 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
June 9 M[arie] D. F[retageot]. To William Maclure. Folder 1 Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.4.5 June 12 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.4.6 June 14 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris, 3 pp.
IM.4.7 June 16 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.4.8 June 18 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.4.9 June 19 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.4.10 June 21 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.4.11 June 23 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.4.12 June 25 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Pairs. 3 pp., first part of sheet cut off.
IM.4.13 June 26 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.4.14 June 28 W[illiam] M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.4.15 June 29 M[arie] D. F[retageot], [Paris]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp., first page blank.
Folder 5: 1821 July
IM.5.1 July 2 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Madrid D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.5.2 July 5 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Madrid D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.5.3 July 9 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Madrid D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.5.4 July 10 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Le Havre]. To William Maclcure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.5.5 July 11 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Madrid D.] Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.5.6 July 13 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Le Havre]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
The letter is post-marked “Le Havre”, and begins: “I am arrived yesterday evening at havre [sic] …
IM.5.7 July 15 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Le Havre]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
The letter is post-marked “Le Havre.”
IM.5.8 July 19 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Le Havre]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
The letter is post-marked “Le Havre.”
IM.5.9 July 22 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Le Havre]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
The letter is post-marked “Le Havre.”
IM.5.10 July 23 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia, “expected from france to arrive in New York in the Stephany.” 1 p.
IM.5.11 July 25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Le Havre]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
The letter is post-marked “Le Havre.”
IM.5.12 July 27 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Le Havre]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
The letter is post-marked “Le Havre”, and mentions that the writer has been detained at Le Havre by contrary winds. The postscript adds: “We are going just now.”
Folder 6: 1821 August – December
IM.6.1 Aug. 28 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie d.] Fretageot. Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.6.2 Sept. 22 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New York. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.6.3 Oct. 14 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New York. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.6.4 Oct. 16 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New York. To William Malcure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.6.5 Oct. 20 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New York. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.6.6 Nov. 7 M[arie] D. Fretageot, Philadelphia. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.6.7 Dec. 4 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.3.8 Dec. 10 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 4 pp.
Folder 7: January – June
IM.7.1 Dec. 23-Jan. 2 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 4 pp.
IM.7.2 Jan. 8 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.7.3 Jan. 22 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.7.4 Jan. 22 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 1 pp.
Transcription on microfilm.
IM.7.5 Jan. 31 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.7.6 Feb. 23 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 4 pp.
Mar. 10 M[arie] D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Folder 2 Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.7.7 Mar. 16 & 20 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 7 pp.
Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. p.304
IM.7.8 April 2 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp
IM.7.9 April 7 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.7.10 April 9 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.7.11 May 7 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.7.12 May 24 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.7.13 June 4 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.7.14 June 5 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp.
IM.7.15 June 18 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 1 p.
IM.7.16 June 21 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 1 p.
Folder 8: July – December
IM.8.1 July 12 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp
July 24 Marie D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Folder 2 Hodge-Fretageot Collection
IM.8.2 Aug. 6 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
Sept.5-Oct.5 Marie D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Folder 2 Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.8.3 Sept. 16 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.8.4 Sept. 24 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.8.5 Oct. 19 W[illia]m M[aclure], Madrid. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
Oct. 20 Marie D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Folder 2 Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.8.6 Nov. 26 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelpphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 2 pp.
IM.8.7 Dec. 19 W[illiam] Maclure. Orihusla district town of San Gines, [province of Alicate, Spain]. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.8.8 Dec. 26 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Madrid. 3 pp. Dated at end. The letter was begun “two weeks since.” Answered 29 April 1823 according to endorsement.
Folder 9: 1823 January – August
IM.9.1 Jan. 28 W[illia]m M[aclure], Ali[cante?], Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.9.2 Mar. 24 W[illia]m M[aclure], Ali[cante?], Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.9.3 April 8 W[illia]m M[aclure], Ali[cante?], Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.9.4 April 29 W[illia]m M[aclure], Ali[cante?], Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.9.5 June 1 M[aire] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Madrid. 4 pp.
IM.9.6 June 22 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Alicante, Spain. 3 pp.
IM.9.7 July 5 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.9.8 July 14 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure. 3 pp.
IM.9.9 July 30 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
Folder 10: 1823 September – December
IM.10.1 Aug.30&Sept.1M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure. The Aug. 30 date is determined by internal evidence. Original cataloging states: birthday determined.
IM.10.2 Sept. 16 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.10.3 Sept. 18 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure. 3 pp.
IM.10.4 Oct. 10 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.10.5 Nov. 1 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.10.6 Nov. 20 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.10.7 Nov. 30 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.10.8 Dec. 3 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Alicante, Spain. 3 pp.
IM.10.9 Dec. 14 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.10.10 Dec. 25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Alicante, Spain. 3 pp.
IM.10.11 Dec. 25 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
Folder 11: 1824 January – June
IM.11.1 Jan. 13 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.11.2 Jan. 18 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Phialdelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Alicante, Spain. 3 pp.
IM.11.3 Feb. 18 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.11.4 Mar. 14 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.11.5 Mar. 25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. p. 305. On microfilm.
IM.11.6 April 18 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alicante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.11.7 April 25 W[illia]m M[aclure], Alcante, Spain. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.11.8 [ca. April] M[arie] d. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure. 4 pp.
The letter, which bears no date, begins: “Your letter dated 18th of January just received.” Maclure’s endorsement reads: “Answered London 25 August 1824. Paris 1 Oct. 1824.” These were the dates on which he replied to hers of 25 March 1824 as well. His letter of 25 Aug. 1824 begins: “The day before I left Edinburgh your two letters of March & April last came to hand.” The present letter must therefore be the one of April.
IM.11.9 June 30 W[illia]m M[aclure], Dublin, Ireland. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, 99.305-306. On microfilm.
Folder 12: 1824 July – December
IM.12.1 Aug. 25 W[illia]m Maclure, London. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp.306-307. On microfilm.
IM.12.2 Sept. 10 W[illia]m Maclure, London. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp. Printed in Bestor’s Education and Reform. pp.303.310. On microfilm.
IM.12.3 Oct. 1 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 310. On microfilm.
IM.12.4 Oct. 20 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp.
IM.12.5 Oct. 21 M[arie] d. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Paris. 3 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 311. On microfilm.
IM.12.6 Nov. 20 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 1p.
IM.12.7 Nov. 28 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Paris. 3 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 311-312. On microfilm.
IM.12.8 Nov. 28 W[illia]m Maclure, Pairs. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp.
IM.12.9 Dec. 17 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp., on thin paper, partly eaten through by ink. Laminated.
IM.12.10 Dec. 25 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp., on thin paper, partly eaten through by the ink. Laminated.
IM.12.11 Dec. 30 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Paris. 3 pp.
Folder 13: 1825 January – March
IM.13.1 Jan. 3 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure, Paris. 4 pp. Answered 26 Feb. 1825, according to endorsement.
IM.13.2 Jan. 10 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Laminated.
IM.13.3 Jan. 13 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Paris. 2 pp. Answered 26 Feb. 1825, according to endorsement.
IM.13.4 Jan. 13 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 312. On microfilm. Laminated.
IM.13.5 Jan. 31 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 312-315.
IM.13.6 Feb. 11 M[arie] d. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Paris. 4 pp. Answered 13 april 17825, according to endorsement. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 314-315. On microfilm.
IM.13.7 Feb. 12 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp. Laminated.
IM.13.8 Feb. 18 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Paris. 3 pp. Answered 13 April 1825, according to endorsement. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 315.316. On microfilm.
IM.13.9 Feb. 26 W[illia]m Maclure, Paris To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 3 pp. Laminated.
IM.13.10 Mar. 9 & 13 M[arie] D. Fretageot. [Philadelphia]. To [William]
and earlier Maclure, Paris. 3 pp.
This letter was written on several different dates, as internal allusions and difference in handwriting make clear. The first paragraph was apparently written late in Feb. or very early in March. The next section of the letter, running nearly to the end of p. 2, was probably written on a single occasion, the date of which is given by this statement: “I will not seal this before the 13 expecting to see Mr. Owen before to send this letter to day is the 9th.” The concluding words of the letter were added on 13 March 1825, the letter was so dated at the end, and the postmark shows it was mailed that day. Answered 23 April 1825, according to endorsement. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 316. On microfilm.
IM.13.11 Mar. 27&28 Rob[er]t Owen, M[arie] D. Fretageot, and W[illia]m s. Phiquepal, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, Paris. Three separate letters on the same sheet as follows”
Mar. 27 Robt. Owen to Maclure. Occupies p.1
Mar. 28 M. D. Fretageot to Maclure. Occupies pp. 2-3
Mar. 28 Wm. S. Phiquepal to Maclure. Occupies p.4
The last two letters were answered on 9 and 14 May 1825, respectively, according to endorsement. Printed in full in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp/ 317-319. On microfilm.
Folder 14: 1825 April – December
IM.14.1 June 10 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure. 2 pp. Sent care of Mrs. [Joseph] Sistare, New York.
IM.14.2 July 10 W[illia]m Maclure, New York. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 1 p. Partial transcription on microfilm.
IM.14.3 July 12 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, New York. 2 pp. Partial transcript on microfilm.
IM.14.4 July 12 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To [William] Maclure, New York. 2 pp. This letter is post-marked 13 July, and is printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. p. 321 On microfilm.
IM.14.5 July 15 W[illia]m Maclure, New York. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Printed almost in full in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 322-323. On microfilm.
IM.14.6 Aug. 28 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Philadelphia]. To William Maclure. 2 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 324. On microfilm.
IM.14.7 Aug. 28 W[illia]m Maclure, Cold Spring. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, Philadelphia. 4 pp. Quoted in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 324. Transcription on microfilm.
Folder 15: 1826
IM.15.1 June 9 W[illia]m Maclure, Mt. Vernon [IN]. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 3 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 337-338. On microfilm.
IM.15.2 June 16 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.15.3 June 20 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p.338-340. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.15.4 June 24 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 3 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.15.5 ca. June W[illia]m Maclure. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 3 pp. The lower half of the second leaf has been cut away, as in IM.15.6, but the missing part has not been located. This communication was probably intended for publication in the New Harmony Gazette, and the missing conclusion was doubtless a personal note to Mme. Fretageot. The article, “The Mutualist, No. 1”, referred to in the opening sentence, appeared in the New Harmony Gazette, I, 301-302, 14 June, 1826.
July 4 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge Fretageot Collection.
July 7 Mare D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.15.6 July 9 W[illia]m Maclure, Columbus, [OH]. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. The lower half of the second leaf was cut away, but has been discovered and replaced. The first leaf and a half contains an article marked “For the N[ew] H[armony] Gazette” and entitled: “on the probability that the old proverbs, containing condensed wisdom of ages, are the only part of the condensed wisdom of ages, are this only part of the great lumber house of the antiquities worth preserving.” The half leaf at the end contains a personal letter tom Mme. Fretageot, which is printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 341-342. Transcription on microfilm.
July 13 Marie Duclos Fretageot to William Maclure. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
July 15 William Maclure to Marie Duclos Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.15.7 July 21 W[illia]m Maclure, Springfield, OH. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. pp. 342.343. Transcript on microfilm.
July 22 Marie Duclos Fretageot to William Maclure. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.15.8 July 24 W[illia]m Maclure, Springfield, OH. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
July 27&28 Marie D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.15.9 July 31 W[illia]m Maclure, Springfield, OH. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 344.
IM.15.10 Aug. 2 W[illia]m Maclure, Springfield, OH. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 345-347. There is a postscript by Achilles Fretegoet. Transcription on microfilm.
Aug. 4 Marie D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.15.11 Aug. 11 W[illia]m Maclure, Springfield, OH.. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 348-351. Transcript on microfilm.
IM.15.12 Aug. 11 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To [William] Maclure. 4 pp. The letter is dated at the end of “July the 11th 1826″, but the opening sentence reads “Your letter dated the 24th of July received.” The month given in the date line at the end is almost certainly erroneous. There is no postmark. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 351-353. Transcription on microfilm.
Aug. 18 Marie D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.15.13 Aug.[18]-21 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Dated at end 21 August 1826, but the letter begins: “We got here today the 13 August.” Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.15.14 Aug. 21 W[illia]m Maclure, [Cincinnati]. To [Marie D.] Fretageot, New Harmony. 3 pp.
Internal and external evidence show that this letter is a continuation of the preceding on (IM.15.13), was sent with it , and was written therefore on 21 August 1826. The preceding letter, (IM.15.13), mentions that it is being sent by Mr. Hillbourn, and the sheet is filled so as to leave no room for address. The present letter has an address but no postmark and consists of a series of memoranda separated by lines a the margin. The letter of 21 Aug. below (IM.15.15) says: “I had written to you by Wm. Hillbourn 2 sheets full of different things.” The present letter is obviously the second sheet. It contains the statement: “Your letter of the 4 August just came to hand after having been sent to Springfield and returned.” Since Maclure mentions in the first paragraph of IM.15.13 that he had found no letters on his arrival in Cincinnati on the 18th, the present letter must have been written after IM.15.13 was complete. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 356-358, where it is called “First Letter” to distinguish it form IM.15.15. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.15.15 Aug. 21 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 3 pp. The last 11 lines on the third page are a postscript in French by Achilles Fretageot. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 358-359, where it is called “Second Letter.” Transcription on microfilm.
IM.15.16 Aug. 29 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 359-362. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.15.17 Aug. 30 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Educuation and Reform, pp. 364-367. Transcription on microfilm.
Folder 16: 1826
IM.16.1 Sept. 19 W[illia]m Maclure, Louisvill[e]. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 367-369. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.16.2 Sept. 25 W[illia]m Maclure, Louisville. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp.369-372. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.16.3 Nov. 28 W[illia]m Maclure, Mt. Vernon [IN]. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 375-377. Transcription on microfilm.
Dec. 13 & 19 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.16.4 Dec. 22 W[illia]m Maclure, New Orleans. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 378. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.16.5 Dec. 26 W[illia]m Maclure, New Orleans. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 379-380. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.16.6 Dec. 29 W[illia]m Maclure, New Orleans. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
Folder 17: 1827
IM.17.1 Jan. 3 W[illia]m Maclure, New Orleans. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, p. 381.383. Transcription on microfilm.
Jan. 7 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.17.3 [Jan. 17] M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, New Orleans. 4 pp. Undated, but bears MS postmark: “Harmony, In. Jany. 17.” Endorsed by Maclure: “Answered 13th February 1827 with something for Gazette. Postscriptn in French to Achille [Fretageot]. Transcription on microfilm.
Jan. 28 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.17.2 Feb. 8 W[illia]m Maclure, New Orleans. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. This is written on a very large sheet, each page measuring 16 ¾ X10 ½ inches, and is endorsed in Maclure’s hand. “Letters to Madam Fretageot in 1826 &27 found in her drawer.” Apparently it had been wrapped around the entire group of letters from Mme. Fretageot to Maclure in these years. The endorsement shows that the collection was in Maclure’s hands after her death. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 383-385. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.17.4 Feb. 13 W[illia]m Maclure, New Orleans. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp. The second leaf, now missing, contained a contribution for the New Harmony Gazette, as the opening paragraph indicates.
IM.17.5 Feb. 24 W[illia]m Maclure, New Orleans. To Mary D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 386-389. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.17.6 Mar. 2 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, New Orleans. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 389-391. Transcription on microfilm.
Folder 18: 1828
Jan. 24 Marie D. Fretageot to William Maclure. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
n.d. William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. “short account.” Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.18.1 Jan. 25 W[illia]m Maclure, Vera Cruz. To [Marie D. Fretageot], New Harmony. 2 pp.
IM.18.2 Oct. 3 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To [William] Maclure, Philadelphia. 3 pp. The lower half of the second leaf had been cut away, but had bee discovered and replaced. It contains a draft in favor of Maclure by Mme. Fretageot. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.18.3 Oct. 3 W[illia]m Maclure, Cincinnati. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp.
IM.18.4 Oct. 10 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Haromony]l to [William Maclure]. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.18.5 Oct. 10 W[illia]m Maclure, and Allen Ward, Detroit [MI]. To [Marie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Ward’s contribution to the letter occupies most of the third page. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.18.6 Oct. 17 [Marie d. Fretageot], [New Harmony]. To [William Maclure]. 4 pp.
IM.18.7 Oct. 24 W[illia]m Maclure, New York. To [Marie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.18.8 [Oct. 28] W[illia]m Maclure, and Allen Ward, [Philadelphia]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Undated, but acknowledges her letters of 3 and 10 October. Her letter of 14 [Nov.] 1828 (IM.19.5, below) acknowledged “two letters the one from New York 24 October and from Philadelphia without date.” The latter is undoubtedly the present letter. It can be exactly dated form Maclure’s of 2 Nov. 1828 (IM.19.1, below) which begins: “I have written to you from Cincinnati, Detroit, New York and form this place of the 28 October.” Transcription on microfilm.
IM.18.9 Oct. 31 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, and [Allen] Ward, “Vera Cruz or Mexico”. 4 pp.
Folder 19: 1828 November – December
IM.19.1 Nov. 2 W[illia]m Maclure, and Allen Ward, Philadelphia. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Allen Ward’s contribution, on pp.3-4, is dated wrongly Nov. 1. The letter is dated by Maclure, and post-marked, Nov. 2.
IM.19.2 Nov. 7 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp.
IM.19.3 Nov. 8 W[illia]m Maclure, and Allen Ward, Philadelphia. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Ward’s contribution is on pp.3-4.
IM.19.4 Nov. 13 W[illia]m Maclure, Philadelphia. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.19.5 [Nov.] 14 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony}. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. The letter is wrongly dated Oct. 14. the first sentence refers to Maclure’s letter from New York of Oct. 24, and the letter bears the MS postmark: “Harmony, Nov. 14.” Transcription on microfilm.
IM.19.6 Nov. 19 W[illiam] Maclure, New York. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.19.7 Nov. 21 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp.
IM.19.8 Nov. 28 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, and Allen Ward, Mexico. 3 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.19.9 Nov. 28 W[illia]m Maclure, Grand Bahama Bank. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp.
IM.19.10 Dec. 5 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp.
IM.19.11 Dec. 12 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 401-402.
IM.19.12 Dec. 19 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM19.13 Dec. 19 W[illia]m Maclure. Vera Cruz. To [Marie D.] Fretageot., New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.19.14 Dec. 26 W[illia]m Maclure, and Allen Ward, Vera Cruz. To M[arie] D. Fretagoet, New Harmony. 4 pp. Ward’s contribution takes up the whole of the third page.
Folder 20: 1829 January – March
IM.20.1 Jan. 2 M[arie] D. Fratageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp.
IM.20.2 Jan. 9 M[arie] D. Fratageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform. p. 402. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.20.3 Jan. 16 M[arie] D. Fratageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Postscript by Thomas Say, p.4.
IM.20.4 Jan. 28 W[illia]m Maclure, Jalapa [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform., pp. 403-404. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.20.5 Jan. 30 M[arie] D. Fratageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Endorsed by Maclure: “Answered 11 July 1829.” Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 404-405.
IM.20.6 Jan. 30 W[illia]m Maclure, Jalapa [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.20.7 Feb. 13 M[arie] D. Fratageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Endorsed by Maclure: “Answered 28 May 1828 [sic].”
IM.20.8 Feb 18 W[illia]m Maclure, Jalapa [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.20.9 Feb. 20 W[illia]m Maclure, Jalapa [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.20.10 Mar. 4 W[illia]m Maclure, Jalapa [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.20.11 Mar. 13[12?] M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To
W[illiam]Maclure, [Mexico]. 3 pp. The letter is dated on the third page by Mme..Fretageot, Mar. 13, but is docketed on p.4, apparently by Maclure on 12 Mar.
The latter date seems likely, since the first part of the following item (IM.20.12 is dated Mar. 12, and acknowledges letters from Maclure which had not been received when the present letter was written. The present letter has been addressed to New Orleans and redirected to Vera Cruz. It was answered 10 June 1829, according to Maclure’s endorsement.
IM.20.12 Mar.12&Apr.8 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. The first page is dated at the beginning 12 March 1829; the second begins with the new date 8 April 1829. Docketed by Maclure 24 April 1829 (perhaps the date of the receipt), and endorsed by him: “Answered 24 June 1829.” Printed in part in Bestor’s Education and Reform, pp. 405-406. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.20.13 Mar. 23 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico] To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp
Folder 21: 1829 April – July
IM.21.1 Apr. 8 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 18 July 1829, according to Maclure’s endorsement. The letter is also endorsed, in Maclure’s hand, 8 May 1829. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.21.2 Apr. 15 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 24 June 1829, according to endorsement.
IM.21.3 Apr. 24 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered July 1829, according to endorsement. The letters also endorsed in Maclure’s hand 1 May 1829. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.21.4 May 1 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 17 June 1829, according to endorsement.
IM.21.5 June 10 W[illia]m M[aclure], [Mexico]. To [Marie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.21.6 ca. June 17 W[illia]m M[aclure], [Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. The leaf containing this letter has apparently been detached form a conjugate leaf, which probably contained an article for the Disseminator. This letter which is undated begins: “your letters of the 30 January; 12 & 13 of March; 5, 8, 15, and 24 April and first of May received.” These correspond to Mme. Fretageot’s letters in 1829; the present letter therefore belongs to that year. Maclure was in the habit of endorsing Mme. Fretageot’s letters with the date on which he answered them. His endorsements provide the r following information: Mme. Fretageot’s letter of 30 Jan. was answered on 11 July 1829. Hers of 12 March (completed on 8 April) was answered on 24 June 1829. Hers of 13 March was answered on 10 June 1829. Hers of 8 April on 18 July 1829. Hers of 15 April on 24 June 1829. Hers of 24 April on __ July 1829.
Hers of 1 May on 17 June 1829. Assuming that the present letter is one of the answers whose dates Maclure has endorsed on the originals, it must have been written on one of the following dates: 10 June, 17 June, 24 June, 11 July or 18 July. A letter of his dated 10 June and two dated July (without day of the month) are extant. The present letter, accordingly, was probably the one written on 17 or 24 June.
IM.21.7 June 26 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Answered 12, 15, 19 Aug. 1829, according to endorsement. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.21.8 July 16 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 13 Nov. 1829, according to endorsement.
IM.21.9 July 22 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Answered 16 Nov. according to endorsement.
IM.21.10 July 30 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 21 Nov. 1829, according to endorsement.
IM.21.11 July W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. The first 3 ½ pages consist of an article entitled “Political” evidently sent for the Disseminator. The letter consists of a P.S. on page 4.
IM.21.12 July W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. The first three pages consist of another article entitled “Political.” The letter consists of two postscripts on p.4.
Folder 22: 1829 August – December
IM.22.1 Aug. 12 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. The first 3 pages contain an article for the disseminator; the 4th caries a personal message.
IM.22.2 Aug. 13 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Answered 24 Nov. according to Maclure’s endorsement.
IM.22.3 Aug. W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. The first 3 pages consist of an article entitled “Political Banks …” Personal letter on p. 4.
IM.22.4 Sept. 11 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 27 Nov. according to endorsement.
IM.22.5 Sept. 25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 3 Dec. 1829 according to endorsement.
IM.22.6 Sept. 26 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. The first 3 pages contain an article for the Disseminator; p. 4 carries a personal letter. The article is described as No. 52.
IM.22.7 Oct. 25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 23 and 25 Jan. 1830 according to endorsement.
IM.22.8 Nov. 12 M[arie] D. Fretageot, and Thomas Say, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Say’s message takes up part of p. 4. Answered 23 and 25 Jan. 1830 according to endorsement.
IM.22.9 Nov. 28 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 10 April 1830 according to endorsement. Transcription on microfilm.
IM22.10 ca. Nov. [William Maclure, Mexico.] to [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony.] 2 pp. This is a fragment only apparently cut form a sheet containing a contribution to the Disseminator. It is headed “P.S.” The letter begins” Ismar left this the 13th of Nov. for Tampico.” The year would be 1829. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.22.10.5 ca. Nov. W[illia]m Maclure, [Mexico City]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot. 1 p. Letter introducing Frederick August Ismar, and obviously carried by him to Mme. Fretageot. He left Maclure en route for New Harmony on 13 Nov. 1829, according to IM.22.10. This furnishes the approximate date. He had reached New Harmony by 6 Jan. 1830 according to IM.23.1. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.22.11 Dec. 5 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.22.12 Dec. 10 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 10 April 1830 according to endorsement.
IM.22.13 Dec. 28 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 20 Feb. 1830 according to endorsement.
IM.22.14 ca. Dec. [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. A fragment only. In it Maclure mentions receiving a letter of 20 Oct,. (not from Mme. Fretageot) and alludes to Frances Wright’s leaving New York on 20 Oct. to take her slaves to Haiti for emancipation. This trip occurred in the winter of 1829-1830. the present fragment apparently belongs to the end of 1829 or the beginning of 1830.
Folder 23: 1830 January – May
IM.23.1 Jan. 6 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. The date is actually written in 1829, but tow endorsements show that this was a slip of the pen for 1830. Answered 3 March 1830, according to Maclure’s endorsement. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.23.2 Jan.22 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 20 March 1830, according to endorsement.
IM.23.2.5 ca.Jan.23 {William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony.] 2 pp. A fragment, beginning: “Since Mr. Ismar’s departure I have a l ong letter from him from New Orleans of the 15th November.” The letter referred to is I.21.3, actually written in December (see note to the letter for evidence). Maclure replied to Ismar’s letter on 23 Jan. 1830, according to his endorsement, and the present letter was presumably written at the same time. (Letter I.21.3 was recatalogued after microfilming was completed, hence the information referred to in the above note is not to be found on the microfilm.
IM.23.3 Feb. 7 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 10 April 1830 according to endorsement.
IM.23.4 [ca. Feb.] [William Maclure, Tampico?, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Mentions (p.3) the arrival of Bennett, and (p.4) the receipt of Mme. Fretageot’s letter of 18 Dec. [1829]. The references to Bennett in Maclure’s letter of 20 Feb. 1830 (IM.23.5) indicate that the present letter antedates that one.
IM.23.5 Feb. 20 W[illia]m M[aclure], Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.23.6 Feb. 26 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 10 April 1830 according to endorsement.
IM.23.7 Mar. 3 W[illiam]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretagoet, New Harmony. 4 pp. the fist part of the letter had been cut away, but the fragments are now reunited. Certain passages in the letter have been cancelled in ink. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.23.8 Mar. 6 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 12 May 1830 according to endorsement. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.23.9 Mar. 15 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 25 May, 5 and 19 June 1830, according to endorsement. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.23.10 Mar.20? [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp. Postmarked New Orl[eans], L[a.], April 6. Refers in first sentence to receipt of her letter of 22 Jan. 1830, which was endorsed as having been answered 20 March 1830 (see IM.23.2 above). The present letter is presumably that answer.
IM.23.11 Mar. 22 W[illa]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.23.12 Apr. 3 W[illa]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 4 pp.
IM.23.13 Apr. 8 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 30 May and 5 and 10 June 1830 according to endorsement. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.23.14 [Apr. 10] W[illa]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp. A fragment only. It begins: “I have written to you fully the 10th April since which I have received a long letter…” Indentations on the cut edge fit exactly those of the letter of Maclure to F. A. Ismar dated 10 April 1830 (I.23.9). The latter was obviously written on the same sheet and sent to Mme. Fretageot to be cut off and given to Ismar.
IM.23.15 Apr. 23 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 26 June according to endorsement.
IM.3.15.5 [May 4] W[illa]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp. The letter begins: “I have just received my accounts from Girard’s bank up to 22 March but no accounts from Spence…” Mme. Fretagoet’s letter of 29 June 1830 (IM.24.7) begins: “your letter of the 4th of May just received, in which you speak of having received your accounts from Girard and no letter from Spence …” The present letter is clearly the one of 4 May 1830 which she refers to.
IM.23.16 May 5 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 14 July according to endorsement.
IM.23.17 May 12 W[illa]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp.
IM.23.18 [ca.May 15] [William Maclure, Mexico.] To[ Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony.] 2 pp. This letter refers, as dose that of 12 May (IM.23.17), to hers of 6 March. It must have been written shortly after that of 12 May.
IM.23.19 May 20&27 M[arie] d. Fretageot, [New] Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. MS postmark reads: “Harmony, IN, June 1.” Answered 15, 21, 29, and 31 July and 4 and 7 Aug. 1830, according to endorsement. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.23.20 [ca. May 30] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. A fragment only. The letter refers to hers of 15 March and 8 April. The latter is said to have “just come to hand.” These two letters (IM.23.9) and (IM.23.13) are endorsed as having been answered on several different dates. The earliest date for reply to the second, and therefore to one most likely for the present fragment, is 30 May 1830.
Folder 24: 1830 June – September
IM.24.1 Recataloged as IM.30.1a
IM.24.2 June 4 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. A brief not written on both sides of a small scrap of paper, and dated 4 June; the activities of Ismar, referred to in the letter belong to the year 1830.
IM.24.3 [ca. June 5] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. The letter begins: “In my last I informed you that Ismar had written to me from New Orleans of the 30 April …” This information was in IM.24.2, of 4 June [1830]. This letter must have been written shortly after. The next date mentioned in any of Maclure’s endorsements is June 5, hence that date seems likely here. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.24.4 June 7 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New Harmony]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Mme. Fretageot erroneously wrote “June 7th 1829″ at the head of this letter, while Maclure wrongly endorsed it 7th January 1830; the events referred to being of that year. The endorsements, moreover, show that the letter was answered on 21 and 25 August 1830. The MS postmark reads: “new Harmony, IN, June 10.” Transcription on microfilm.
IM.24.5 June 16 M[arie] d. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 21 and 25 Aug. 1830, according to endorsement.
IM.24.6 [June 26] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. Mentions receiving hers of 23 April (IM.23.15), which is endorsed as having been answered 26 June 1830.
IM.24.7 June 29 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Beginning with this letter, Mme. Fretageot numbered her letters to Maclure serially. This is no. 1. No. 2 is missing – date is July 14.
IM.24.7.5 [ca. June 30] [William Mclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 4 pp. Mentions here of 23 April as her “last letter.” This is apparently later than IM.24.6. It is earlier than IM.24.8, which mentions a letter of hers on 5 May.
IM.24.8 [July 10?] [William Mclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. This letter and the succeeding one (IM.24.9), both undated, refer to hers of 5 May. That letter (IM.23.16) is endorsed as having been answered on 14 July. Consequently one of these two undated letters must belong to that date. But letter IM.24.9 mentions that it is the second reply to the letter of 5 May, and that the first reply was written on 10 July, and IM.24.9 is the one of 14 July.
IM.24.9 [July 14?] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. On date, see note to IM.24.8.
IM.24.9.5 [ca. July 15] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. Includes the statement: “Yours of May the 20 & 27 (one letter) received” (i.e., IM.23.19). The present letter would appear to be the earliest reply. If so the endorsement on IM.23.19 would date it 15 July 1830.
IM.24.10 July 27 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Serial no. 3. Answered 2 and 26 Oct., according to endorsement.
IM.24.10.5 [ca. Aug. 1] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. Refers to “a letter from Spence triplicate of the 22 February and postscript of the 10 May 1830.” This would be MS no. I.22.13 or 14, 1
Aug. 1830. The present letter was presumably written about the same time as the last-mentioned answer.
IM.24.11 Aug. 4 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 4. Answered 2, 6 and 16 Oct., according to endorsement.
IM.24.11.5 [ca. Aug. 7] [ca. June 30] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. This letter begins: “Since the receipt of your last of the 27 of May I have written to you 8 or ten times.” The letter referred to (IM.23.19) is endorsed with the dates of six replies, the last of which, 7 Aug. 1830, may be assigned to the present letter.
IM.24.11.7 Aug. 18 Letter which accompanied essay no. 114. Renumbered from IM.27.5.
IM.24.12 [ca. Aug. 21] [William Malure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. “Your letters of the 10 and 16 June received. The latter (IM.24.5) was answered on 21 and 25 Aug. 18.30 according to endorsement. There are three undated letters of Maclure’s replyig to IM.24.5. This would appear to be the first and is therefore assigned to 21 Aug. 1830. See also IM.24.13.5 and 14.5.
IM.24.13 Aug. 23 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 5. Answered 6 and 16 Oct., according to endorsement.
IM.24.13.5 [ca. Aug. 25} [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. Begins: “Since receiving your letters of the 7 and 16 of June I have written to you fully.” See note to IM.24.12 for reasons for dating this second reply 25 Aug.
IM.24.14 Ma[rie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To W[illiam] Maclure, Mexico. 6 pp .in 2 sheets. Serial no. 5 (repeating the number she gave to IM24.13). Answered 24 and 27 Nov. according to endorsement.
IM.24.14.5 [ca. Sept.1] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. Begins: “I have written to you twice since the receipt of your letters of the 7 and 16 of June. The two earlier replies were IM.24.12 and 13.5. This must be slightly later than the latter.
IM.24.15 Sept. 1 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 6 pp. in 2 sheets. Serial no.6. Answered in 17 Nov. according to endorsement.
J.M. Elliott: Maclure wrong; probably referring to Nov. 13.
IM.24.16 Sept. 6 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. in 2 sheets. Serial no. 7. Answered 13 Nov. and 25 Dec. according to endorsement.
IM.24.17 Sept. 9 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 8. Answered 10 Nov., according to endorsement.
IM.24.18 Sept. 15 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 4 pp.
IM.24.19 Sept. 29 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [New] Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no.8 (repeating the number she gave to IM.24.17. Answered 12 Dec. according to endorsement. (J.M.Elliott: Actually he answered Dec. 1.)
IM.24.20 [ca. Sept] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony.] 4 pp. Mentions receiving hers of 29 June and 14 July. The second of these is not extant, and the first (IM.24.7) is not endorsed with the date of the reply. But here of 16 June was answered in Aug. and hers of 27 July was answered in Oct. Hence letters in between were probably answered in Sep., the date consequently assigned here.
Folder 25: 1830 October – December
IM.25.1 Oct. 2&6 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no.9. Dated at beginning 2 Oct. 1830 and at end 6 Oct. Postmarked Oct. 6. Endorsed by Maclure: “Answered 13 Dec. 1830.
IM.25.2 Oct. 12 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 9 (repeated). Answered 9 Dec. 1830.
IM.25.3 [Oct.16?] [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. Undated. Refers to hers of 27 July, 4 and 23 Aug., saying they have been partially answered on 6 Oct. Her letters of these dates (IM.24.10, 11 and 13) are endorsed as answered on 2, 6, 16, and 26 Oct. This would seem to have been the answered next after the one of the 6th ; i.e. 16, Oct. 1830.
IM.25.4 Oct. 20 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.5 Oct. 25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 10. Postmarked 26 Oct.
IM.25.6 Oct. 30 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.7 Nov. 2 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp.
IM.25.8 Nov. 3 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp. A fragment only, headed: “Cut this off her and give all above to Say.
IM.25.9 Nov. 10 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.10 Nov. 13 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie] D. Fretageot and T. Say, New Harmony. 2 pp. Letter begins “P.S. for Thomas Say,” but is addressed to Mme. Fretageot.
IM.25.11 Nov. 22 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 13. answered 9 Feb. And 13 Mar. 1831.
IM.25.12 Nov. 24 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp.
IM.25.13 Nov. 27 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.14 Nov. 29 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Serial no. 14. Answered 16 and 19 Feb. 1831.
IM.25.15 [ca. Nov.] [William Maclure, Mexico] to M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp. Undated. Bears New Orleans postmark of 17 Dec., the same which is found on his of 27 Nov. 1830 (IM.25.13). the present letter must be approximately the same date. Brief transcription on microfilm.
IM.25.16 Dec. 1 [William Maclure, Mexico] to[M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.17 Dec. 13 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 15. Answered 26 Feb and 5 March 1831.
IM.25.18 Dec. 18 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie] D. Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.19 Dec. 22 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.20 Dec. 25 [William Maclure, Mexico] to [Marie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.25.21 Dec. 26 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 15 (repeated). Answered 30 March 1831.
IM.25.22 Dec. 19 [William Maclure, Mexico] to M[arie] D. Fre[tageot], New Har[mony]. 2 pp.
Folder 26: 1830 ca. February – October
IM.26-1-8 [ca.Feb.-Oct.] [William Maclure, Mexico] to[Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 8 letters, each 2 pp. These letters are undated, and all are written on a bluish stationery which Maclure used in his datable correspondence with Mme. Fretageot only between 20 Feb. and 20 Oct. 1830 (Im.23.5 to IM.25.4) All but one of these letters (the exception is IM.26.5) begin with the word “Private.”
Explanatory Note
During these years in Mexico, Maclure was in the habit of writing two or more communications on a single sheet addressed to Mme. Fretageot, expecting her to cut the sheet up and distribute the parts. In a few instances the separate parts have been preserved, and have now been matched up and reassembled (see, for example, IM.23.7).
The part particularly addressed to Mme. Fretageot was frequently headed with the word “Private,” as in seven of the present group. The part might be a full page or a fragment less than a page. The dated fragments of letters are filed and catalogued in their proper sequence above and below, and their fragmentary character is not noted in the catalogue entry, except for the earliest instances.
The other part of the communication was frequently an article for the New Harmony Gazette (see, for example, IM.15.6) or, later, the Disseminator (see IM.21.11 and 12), and the copy was presumably destroyed in most instances after being set in type. Sometimes the other part of the communication was a letter to an individual, such as Thomas Say (see IM.25.8), or F. A. Ismar (see IM.23.14 and I.23.9)
Usually Maclure dated these communications in only one place, hence the extant fragment is of the without a date. A large number of these have been dated by internal or external evidence and assigned to their proper chronological place. The letters not dated are filed in folders 26, 27, and 35. Those on the bluish paper which can be dated approximately are in folders 26 and 27, the former containing the letters which consist of an entire page, the later the fragments less that a page in size. Folder 35 contains fragments on paper of a different kind, which provides no clue to the date. The latter, however, can almost certainly be dated between 1829 and 1831.
On 20 February 1830 Maclure wrote to Madame Fretageot: “I have been in the habits of putting postscripts though generally when any thing private have put it on small slips of paper to save postage.” (MS.IM.23.5). Several slips as small as 3×4 inches are segments cut from a larger letter, and must be the slips referred to by Maclure.
Since the original cataloguing and microfilming of the collection, two of the fragments have been approximately dated by internal evidence, viz:
IM.35.18 (a slip measuring 3×4 inches), ca. Jan. 1830
IM.35.15 (a slip measuring 4×5 ½ inches) ca. 20 Feb. 1830. It seems probable that almost all the undated fragments belong to the year 1830.
Folder 27: [1830, circa February – October]
IM.27.1-6 [ca.Feb.Oct.] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 5 fragments. (Originally 6 but IM.27.5 has been dated and renumbered IM.24.11.7. Written on bluish paper as used by Maclure only between 20 Feb. and 20 Oct. 1830. IM.27.1 contains a reference to Fourier, printed in Bestor’s Education and Reform. p. 379, note 10. p.379 is on microfilm. For full discussion of these fragments, see the “Explanatory Note” on the catalogue sheet for Folder 26.
Folder 28: 1831 January – February
IM.28.1 Jan. 1 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fr[etageot], New Har[mony]. 2 pp.
IM.23.2 Jan. 5 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fr[etageot], New Har[mony]. 2 pp.
IM.28.3 [ca.Jan. 15] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp. Bears New Orleans postmark of 4 Feb. Since IM.28.2 bears a similar postmark of 29 Jan. and IM.28.4 one of 7th March, this letter must be dated between them.
IM.28.4 Jan. 19 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.28.5 Jan. 24&27 Achilles Fretageot and M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 18. Answered 9 and 16 April 1831, according to endorsement.
IM.28.6 Jan. 29 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.28.7 Feb. 2 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.28.8 Feb. 9 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D.[ Fretageot], New Ha[rmony]. 2 pp.
IM.28.9 Feb.10 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. with postscript by T[homas] S[ay], p.4. Serial no. 18 (repeated). Answered 7 Sept. 1831.
IM.28.10 Feb. 16 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.28.11 Feb. 19 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.28.12 Feb. 26 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
Folder 29: 1831 March – May
IM.29.1 Mar. 5 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.29.2 Mar. 9 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Freta]geot, New Har]mony. 2 pp.
IM.29.3 Mar. 10 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New Ha[rmony]. 2 pp.
IM.29.4 Mar. 13 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.29.5 Mar. 19 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.29.6 Mar. 30 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.29.7 Apr. 1 M[arie] D. Fretageot, and A[chilles] Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 21. The contribution of Achilles Fretageot takes up six lines on p. 4. Endorsed by Maclure: “Answered 4 June, received 3 June 1831.
IM.29.8 Apr. 18 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 2, 10, and 18 July 1831.
IM.29.9 May 11 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.29.10 May 19&24 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no.1. Answered 3 and 6 Aug., 1831.
IM.29.11 May 21 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.29.12 May 28 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. F[retageot], New Ha[rmony]. 2 pp.
Folder 30: 1831 June – September
IM.30.1a June 4 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fre[tageot], New Har[mony]. 2 pp. Half the sheet, presumably containing a contribution to the Disseminator, has been cut away, but the text of the letter appears complete.
IM.30.1b June 26 M[arie] d. F[retageot], New Harmony. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 4 p. Serial no. 2
July 10 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.30.2 July 16&19 M[arie] D. Fretageot. New Harmony. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 3. Endorsed by Maclure: “Answered 3 Sept, October 4 times.”
July 18 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
July 20 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
July 27 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.30.3 July 28 & Aug. 2 M[arie] D. Fretageot. New Harmony. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 4. Answered 22 Oct., 5 Nov., 3 and 10 Dec. 1831.
IM.30.4 Aug. 6 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D.[ Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.30.5 Aug. 10 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D.[ Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.30.6 Aug. 15 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Serial no. 5 answered 22 and 26 Oct., 5 Nov., 3 and 10 Dec. 1831.
IM.30.7 Aug. 18 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp. Transcription on microfilm.
IM.30.8 Aug. 25 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.30.9 Aug. 31 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fr[tageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.30.10 Sept. 7 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.30.11 Sept. 11 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.30.12 Sept. 17 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.30.13 Sept. 23 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
Folder 31: 1831 October – December
IM.31.1 Oct. 1 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New H[armony]. 2 pp.
IM.31.2 Oct. 3 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New Harmony. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Serial no. 7. Answered 21 Dec. 1831. Postscript discusses her plan to go to France.
IM.31.3 Oct. 8 [William Maclure, Mexico]. To M[arie] D. [Fretageot], New [Harmony]. 2 pp.
IM.31.4 Nov. 8,23,25&26 M[arie] D. Fretageot, written at different places: between Lousiville and Cincinnati 8 Nov.; Philadelphia, 23 nov.; New York, 25 and 26 Nov. To William Maclure, Mexico. 3 pp. Serial no. 8. Endorsed by Maclure: “Answered 7 Jany 1832 & 14th to Paris.” Mme. Fretageot: “I left Harmony the 4th instant.” Transcription on microfilm.
IM.31.5 Nov. 29&30 M[arie] D. Fretageot, New York. To William Maclure, Mexico. 2 pp.
IM.31.6 Dec. 1,4,5-7,20&23 M[arie] D. Fretageot, begun aboard ship in New York, continued at sea, completed at Le Havre.. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. The last sentences are in French.
IM.31.7 Dec. 25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. To W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 12 April, 4 May, June, and 4 July, 1832. Mme. Fretageot: Arrived in Paris “this morning.” (visit to Frances Wright d’Arusmont.
IM.31.8 Dec. 30 M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 12 April, 4 May, 4 July 1832.
Folder 32: 1832 January – July
IM.32.1 Jan. 7 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. 4 pp.
IM..32.2 Jan. 14 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. 3 pp.
IM.32.3 Jan. 15 [Marie] D. Fretageot, Paris. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Discusses movements in France, including Saint-Simonianism and Fourierism. Transcription on micofilm.
IM.32.4 Jan. [William Maclure, Mexico]. To Achile [sic] Fretageot, New Harmony. 2 pp. This half sheet is headed “fpr Achile Fretageot.” It is part of a letter addressed to Thomas [Say], New Harm[ony], but the portion to Say is missing.
IM.32.5 Feb. 2,7,12,22,29, Mar.3&7 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Paris]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. The letter is endorsed by Maclure: “2 Febuy 1832”.
IM.32.6 Feb. 18 W[illia}m Maclure, [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. 4 pp.
IM.32.7 Mar.27,Apr.6,9,12,15,22,23,24&25 M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Cholera letter.
IM.32.8 Apr. 12 W[illia]m Maclure, [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. 4 pp.
IM.32.9 M[ay 4] W[illia]m Maclure, [Mexico]. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. 4 pp. The date has been partly torn away by the seal. The letter replies to hers of 25 and 30 Dec. 1831 (IM.31.7 and 8), to which the first two replies were written on 12 April and 5 May 1832, according to the endorsement. The former is IM.32.8. The latter is undoubtedly the present letter, a conclusion verified by the fact that the initial letter “M’ of the month is not torn away.
IM.32.10 May 25, [13], 15, 16, 18 & 24] M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. To William Maclure, Mexico. 2 pp.
Folder 33: 1832 June – December
IM.33.1 June 3,4,5,6,7,8&9 M[arie] D. Fretageot, Paris. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp. Answered 4 Oct. 1832
IM.33.2 July 5 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Pairs. 4 pp.
IM.33.3 Aug. 3 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Pairs. 4 pp.
IM.33.4 Aug.[18]&19 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Paris]. To William Maclure, Mexico. 4 pp.
IM.33.5 Oct. 4 W[illia]m Maclure, Mexico. To M[arie] D. Fretageot, Pairs. 4 pp.
Folder 34: 1833
Jan 19? William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
IM.34.1 Feb. 17 M[arie] D. Fretageot, [Vera Cruz]. To William Maclure, Mexico [City]. 3 pp. In the first sentence, Mme. Fretageot announces her arrival at Vera Cruz “yesterday evening”, and her disembarkation “just now.” She left Le Havre, 30 Dec. 1832, and expects to see Maclure soon. This is the last letter of hers that is known. She died in Mexico City on August 24. (See Hodge-Fretageot Collection.)
Feb. 23 William Maclure to Marie D. Fretageot. Hodge-Fretageot Collection.
Folder 35: Undated Fragments from Maclure to Mme. Fretageot
IM.35.1-10 [no date] [William Maclure, Mexico]. To [Marie D. Fretageot, New Harmony]. 10 fragments of letters, each 2 pp. These fragments cannot be approximately dated from the quality of paper, as have been those in folders 26 and 27. It is almost certain, however, that they cannot be dated earlier than 1829, when Maclure first began regularly to write several different communications on a single sheet, to be cut into sections by the recipient. For further discussion of this see “Explanatory Note” on the catalogue sheet for folder 26. They cannot be dated later than 1831, when Mme. Fretageot left New Harmony. IM.35.15 and IM.35.18 are on microfilm.